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Electrify Everything

Part of 'An ABC of Rural Living'

1 h 30 min
10 Australian dollars
Trentham Neighbourhood Centre


Hepburn Energy is a local energy co-operative that is owned by almost 2,000 community members. They have been operating since 2011 and have delivered numerous community bulk buys and energy efficiency programs as well as managing the two turbines at Leonards Hill 'Gale' and 'Gusto'. The cooperative supports the Shire wide goal of zero-net emissions by 2030 - Hepburn Z-NET and has a long history of supporting Trentham community facilities to go solar and have battery storage, including owning and operating the public electric vehicle charger at the Mechanics Trentham. They are doing a presentation on electrification of the home, and energy efficiency options: from households through to businesses and community facilities. This session will be of interest to anyone wanting to make their home or business more sustainable, and save money on energy costs. The cost of this class has been kept low thanks to generous sponsorship from the Hepburn Shire Council Community Grant Program.

Upcoming Sessions

Contact Details

  • 56 High Street, Trentham VIC, Australia

    (03) 5424 1354