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Banking Safely Online

  • 30 minutes
  • Trentham Neighbourhood Centre


Online banking and services are an integral part of Community Bank Trentham & Districts' customer offering, delivering ease, convenience and flexibility. While the digital age provides many wonderful benefits, it’s also essential to be aware of the potential risks and take necessary precautions to ensure the protection of personal and financial information. With this in mind, Community Bank Trentham & Districts is excited to offer a session for members of the local community that will provide tips, guidance and suggestions on how to minimise risks when banking online. The session will include: The benefits and importance of engaging with online services. Identifying and avoiding common online scams and fraud (such as phishing), and tips on protecting personal and financial data from identity theft. How to use the features of Bendigo e-banking to help protect yourself from and/or respond to fraud and scam events. With lots of handy hints provided, attendees will gain valuable insights into the best practices for banking safely online. There will also be plenty of time for questions to be answered. Bendigo Bank’s community focused education approach is enabling one-on-one connections between Community Bank Trentham & Districts and the public to help grow their digital capabilities, confidence and help more Australians safely navigate digital banking. This approach is in response to the growing problem of scams and fraud, with Australians losing more than $3 billion to scams in 2022, according to ScamWatch.

Upcoming Sessions

Contact Details

  • 53 High Street, Trentham VIC, Australia

    (03) 5424 1354

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