Doors open 6:30. Film screening commences 7:00
Pre-show bar available
TFS Memberships
Under our affiliation with the Federation of Victorian Film Societies (FVFS), we are obliged to operate as a society under a membership model, with minimum membership of 3 consecutive months (3 films) to annual membership of 10 months (10 films Feb-Nov)
Membership charges for 2025:
Annual subscriptions (10 films Feb-Nov) : $50
Paying an up-front annual membership provides the member with flexibility throughout the year to attend as many films as they wish.
3 consecutive months : $20
This can be renewed once the 3 monthly term has expired.
DVDs of past screenings lent to members at no charge.
GUESTS: Each member may bring one guest per year. A guest may attend one film annually.
ENQUIRIES: Graham Orr at